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Part of TEAM Education Trust


Visits to our school are encouraged and very warmly welcomed. It is important before choosing a school for your child that you go and have a look round whilst the children are in. By doing this you will get a feel for the school, the learning environment and its ethos. 

We are very proud of our school and the staff and the children love having visitors. 
You can make an appointment to see our school using the contact form on the website, alternatively, you can contact the school office.

How Do I apply for a Place at Whaley Thorns Primary School?

To apply for a place at our school you can follow this link:
The link will take you to the Derbyshire County Council website, which will have all the information you need on it.

All parents must apply for a main school place for their child, even if they already go to our F1 setting. Places are not automatic.

How Do I Apply For a Place At Whaley Thorns Foundation 1 (Nursery)?

If you would like your child to start in our nursery, you can contact the school directly to reserve a space. This does not need to be done through Derbyshire County Council.

Find out more about 15 free hours - click here
Find out more about 30 free hours - click here

Appeals Process

From time to time, school places can be refused by the county because the school you wish your child to attend has reached its capacity and/or you do not live in that school's catchment area.

If you have a place at school refused, you can start an appeal process. Please find the information below.