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Cultural Values & Equality Objectives

The Trust is committed to promoting and achieving equality of opportunity for all students, parents, staff, governors, visitors and job applicants. The Trust aims to create a working environment in which all individuals are able to make best use of their skills, free from discrimination or harassment, and in which all decisions are based on merit. 

Since 6 April 2012, Public bodies have been required to publish at least one, or more, equality objectives, and at least every four years after that.

TEAM Education Trust established an Equality Objectives Steering Group in October 2021 to review the existing objectives and agreed that the objectives should be:

  • Specific and measurable
  • Driven across the Trust all by students and staff and reflect in our curriculum and all other actions
  • Embedded within working practices for which all staff will be accountable
  • Reported annually

Our equality objectives reflect both the unique individuality of our school settings and the community of our Trust where Together Everyone Achieves More.

For further information, please refer to our Equal Opportunities & Diversity Policy

TEAM Education Trust Cultural Values & Equality Objectives

To ensure that staff and governors are aware of current legislation surrounding equality and diversity and understand the Trust’s responsibility. 

To promote cultural understanding, awareness, and tolerance of different minority groups within our schools and the community. 

To promote mental health awareness, provide support, raise awareness, and develop appropriate interventions where necessary. 

To monitor the incidence of the use of homophobic, sexist, and racist language by students in Trust schools. 


To have Equality and Diversity ambassadors for both staff and students to ensure Equality remains high priority across all Trust schools.  

To achieve an impact with our Objectives

The Trust’s Equality Objectives will seek to ensure that Fundamental British Values and Protected Characteristics are promoted within each classroom and used as a reference across the curriculum.

Specifically, we will:

  • Share these objectives with all those in our school community; within staff handbooks, on our websites/communication platforms, and include them in staff induction programmes.
  • Build these into our curriculum, particularly identifying links within the Kindness Curriculum.
  • Work with parent and student groups to hold ourselves to account.
  • Reward those who support the achievement of these cultural values & equality objectives across both our student and staff groups.

We will share these objectives with our colleagues and seek continued improvement to enrich the opportunities available to our schools.

Our objectives will be shared with, and owned by, students, staff, governors and all within our wider Trust communities.